What is it?
In Ireland, an Eircode is a unique 7-character code consisting of letters and numbers that identify your address. Each Eircode consists of a 3-character routing key to identify the area and a 4-character unique identifier for each individual address, for example, A65 F4E2.
An Eircode is similar to a postcode, PIN or ZIP Code in other countries.
Why do we ask for it?
Eircode's are very accurate and we use them to help find your address using our Google Maps, Sat Nav, GPS etc.
When booking with us, we will ask you for:
1) your full postal address (eg. 28 Main Street, Long Road, Co. Dublin)
2) your Eircode (eg.K78 P9D1) because having both makes finding you easier!
If you live in a new housing development, your Eircode might not be fully activated on Google Maps etc so if you can send additional details to help us find you, that really helps. For example "Take the first left after the Bakery and follow the road to the end, take a left and we are the third house on the right with a blue door. There will be a red Ford Focus in the driveway." Send us as much detail as possible!
To find your Eircode, please click here
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